News of Note
The Society's next dinner meeting will be on Thursday, February 20th featuring guest speaker Ella Guedouar, MS who will be presenting on Invasive Species in Florida. Learn more on our Program Page.
JOIN the Society or RENEW your membership! You can find the membership application here.
Learn more about the society by viewing our digital brochure!
Dinner Meetings and Field Trips
The Society meets seven times a season from October through April to hear a technical presentation, socialize over dinner and have stimulating conversations. The technical speakers are invited from industry, universities and government agencies. Field trips are scheduled to visit businesses and facilities engaged in science and technology. Click on "Programs" above for the current schedule.
Scholarships and Grants
We provide support for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) camps for Lee County students and scholarships for their participation. We grant scholarships for outstanding high school seniors who will pursue STEM majors in college, based upon recommendations by their science teachers. We currently are providing $200 grants to science teachers to help them purchase the supplies and equipment they need to effectively teach their students. We fund these programs through contributions by our members and other generous individuals and foundations. Click on "Scholarships and Grants" above for more information.
Science Fairs
Our members serve as judges for Lee County school science fairs and the annual Regional Science Fair. Participating as a judge is open to all members. Being able to interact with inquisitive young people and encourage them in their interest in science is an extremely rewarding experience for our members and the students. Click on "Science Fair Judging" above for more information and our current judging schedule.